Thousands turn up for Yorkshire peace rallies to pay tribute to lives lost in Manchester and London terror attacks
All races and religions united to send a message of solidarity, one which has been shared with thousands around our county in support of all those affected in from the attacks in London and Manchester.
People in Yorkshire also gathered in a host of locations such as Sheffield where a peace rally was held, during which Asim Khan expressed his feelings following the despicable acts through a poem.
In this emotive reading he stated: “From the families of the victims their lives won’t ever be the same. So much hurt, so much anger, everlasting pain. And for the criminals responsible – you are totally insane.”
Elsewhere Bradford Cathedral played host to a peace rally, which was attended by Bishop of Bradford Toby Howarth, the Dean of Bradford Cathedral Jerry Lepine, The Lord Mayor of Bradford Councillor Abid Hussain and other dignitaries.
The Muslim Engagement and Development Community and Stand Up to Racism organised several locations across the country including Hull and Leeds to pay tribute the lives cut short and to make a stand against hatred and division.
As well as the resilience in Yorkshire there was a vigil held near London Bridge with more than 100 Imams from across the country, co-ordinated by Leeds’ Qari Asim.
Qari Asim helped bring Imans from across the country together to condemn the recent atrocities in Manchester and London and make clear that there is no religious justification in the taking of innocent lives.
During the vigil a statement was read condemning extremism and terrorist violence, endorsed by 500 British Imams from all over the UK.
The Imams also set out the actions they will be taking within their communities and mosques to help eradicate the perverted interpretation of Islam that is put forward by extremist groups.