Gripping first-hand story of survivor of Peshawar school terrorist attack brings audience to tears at International Peace Day event
A living survivor of the horrific Peshawar School attack in 2014 which killed 141 schoolboys, marked International Day of Peace in Bradford.
Walid Khan who endured eight bullets and a five-week coma spoke at the event organsied by George Majid at the Mercure Hotel on 21st September.
Majid, with his team at Ironline Productions UK, produced a powerful video produced and directed by Samar Raza Razvi titled ‘Global Journey of Peace’, which was screened on the night. It aims to assist with promoting peace and harmony amongst people of all faiths and those with none.
Organisers collaborated with local authorities, West Yorkshire Police and faith community groups for the event, which used expressive art, production, poetry and writings to promote peace.
“The team was looking to create a balance between media, art and culture to represent collective conscious, the voice of radical thinking, expression of innovation, transformation and emerging talent,” explains Majid.
“The primary message of this video was to unite communities, promoting cohesion and to unite against terrorism.

“Through using creative means such as dance, music and drama, they hoped to create awareness and a bring communities together to form a united front on their message of peace.”
Working in partnership with a range of key partners including, The Peace Museum UK and local schools in Bradford who were all invited to participate in the event which displayed the message of peace was well received.
This event also showcased young talent and develop young advocates and youth leaders who’ll become the next generation of peace ambassadors.
A declaration was signed by their diverse partners to reinforce Majid’s work and continued efforts.
Georgi Majid comments: “It was an absolutely amazing evening and I am so proud that all communities came together be it, Sikh, Hindu, Christian. The feedback has been encouraging.
“Walid Khan who was a victim of the Peshawar atrocity, which the video showcased, came along as a special guest and brought the audience to tears with his story and words.
“He is in The UK currently and on the back of this speech the local council wants him to share his story with schools to educate people and share his message against terrorist.

“He was struck by terrorist attackers and received eight bullet wounds and he endured a five-week coma, his family were even told to prepare for the worst and say their good byes as they didn’t think he would pull through.
“Thankfully Walid did come around and wants to educate people how violence isn’t the answer.
“The event was that much of a success everyone involved thinks we should continue even further and take the video to other major cities in the UK and spread the message further.”
Georgi Majid also took time to thank all those who participated and all the partners who took part, including the hosts of the event, The Mercure hotel who sponsored the event.
Majid concluded: “We achieved what we wanted to do, the story has gone viral and we want to continue the message which the Global Journey for Peace shows.”
Ironline Production UK are a pioneering production company originally from Pakistan, aiming to produce entertainment to redefine all aspects of media.