“Perpetrators often expose women’s pictures and overlay them with sexually explicit noises, using these images to blackmail, harass, and defame their victims.”
Byline: Princy jain
In a chilling revelation, popular social media platform TikTok, is facing mounting criticism and demands for action as it becomes a breeding ground for severe abuse, particularly against women and minority communities in the United Kingdom.
As the outcry against this rampant abuse continues to grow, victims and advocates are calling for accountability and change.
Ms. M. Khan from London, an impassioned advocate for change, has appeared as a steadfast voice against the ongoing abuse of TikTok. Preferring anonymity, Ms. Khan is dedicated to addressing the severe issues that plague the platform.
She says the shocking abuses documented on TikTok include the grotesque mockery of Islam, including offensive remarks about the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), and the exploitation and degradation of women.
“Perpetrators often expose women’s pictures and overlay them with sexually explicit noises, using these images to blackmail, harass, and defame their victims,” says Ms. Khan.
“This deeply distressing trend amounts to nothing less than ‘honour abuse’, a sinister practice that leaves vulnerable women prey to exploitation and harassment.”
As Ms. Khan emphasises, these acts traumatise their victims and enable predators to thrive in an environment of impunity; and despite the severity of these crimes, victims report a frustrating and inadequate response from law enforcement agencies.
“Many victims are directed to report incidents to TikTok, but the lack of an efficient customer service line on the platform leaves them feeling helpless,” says Ms. Khan.”
In response to the alarming issues raised on TikTok, both the Digital Media Investigations Unit and the National Intelligence Unit have launched investigations into the platform’s ongoing abuse concerns.
Even after submitting false accounts using her identity and another girl’s appearance to TikTok, Ms. Khan required professional assistance in looking into them and for them to be deleted/blocked.
In one instance, a victim’s mother was forced to call the police, and the ongoing investigation serves as a harsh reminder of the pressing need for action.
Ms. Khan is acutely aware of her unique position. She acknowledges her fortunate ability to have the abuse taken down swiftly. However, countless others stay in the shadows, unaware of how to report abuse or seek help.
Through her advocacy efforts, Ms. Khan emphasises the critical need for TikTok to take more proactive measures, such as blocking servers used by trolls and abusers.
“Such steps are essential to maintain TikTok’s status as a platform for positivity, rather than one that promotes division and exploitation,” she adds.
As the spotlight continues to shine on TikTok’s disturbing underbelly, there is a growing demand for the removal of users who ridicule religions and promote hate speech.
Many individuals are calling on TikTok to take more aggressive measures to block servers used by trolls and abusers, to ensure that the platform remains a place of positivity instead of division and exploitation.
It’s time for TikTok to take action, as victims continue to suffer the consequences of abuse. Advocates like Ms. Khan are tirelessly working towards a safer and more respectful TikTok community, and we must all support their efforts.
If you’re a victim of cybercrime, visit actionfraud.police.uk for guidance.
If you have been affected by this story, or wish to share the experiences you’ve had on social media, email in confidence to my.story@asianexpress.co.uk