1The next new power drink

How about a ‘visitable’ juice? We promise it’ll be one to remember!

2You won’t find a lab like this one anywhere

They “taste everything here” – some just go that extra mile to analyse… uhhh… stuff

3Lock up your kids

Today’s menu includes ‘child beer’ and the stronger version of it… called… ‘child beer strong. It might be better steering well clear and staying sober this time!

4Desi toilets

Erm… well at least they’re ahead on the LGBT initiative

5Spelling bee

I think the A* student who wrote this sign possible made stop first to Number 3 on this list!

6Tesco! Beat this!!!

Get as supermarket to beat this offer! Desi’s always find a way to do things bigger than the last guy.

7Oh dear!

Be warned, the classrooms smell like cow dung. Enrol your child for a truly ‘excremental’ experience.

8Harry Potter’s lost his cloak

Despite it’s nonsensicalness, makes sense.


You’ll either be up for it, or not.

10I like her just how she is, thanks

You can get all sorts of moms, not sure about the “cheken’ flavour though…