A statement from Bradford’s Council for Mosques (CfM) has been released following the Prime Minister’s broadcast on Sunday 10th May and the latest updates as the UK government publishes a 50-page strategy for easing Covid-19 lockdown measures.

It says: “The government has taken the first step in the long and the gradual process of
easing the lockdown.

“At this moment in time, we see no pressing reasons for us to change our guidance to
our Mosques and our community fundamentally. Staying safe to save precious lives
remains our first and most sacred duty.

“Thus far, our Mosques and our community have demonstrated exemplary discipline
and fortitude. May this continue as we move forward in these unprecedented times.”

Hence, CfM strongly recommends:
• Continue to stay at home.
• Continue to practice social distancing.
• Continue to take personal responsibility for keeping yourself, your family and
others safe.