A Sikh woman, who suffers from a common condition which affects millions in the UK, has ditched the razor and embraced her ‘true look’, taking the decision to grow a beard.
Harnaam Kaur, 23, from Slough, has polycystic ovary syndrome (POS), a condition which, amongst other things, can lead to excessive hair growth on the face.

For years she battled the condition, and at times even contemplated taking her own life, but seven years ago she took the courageous decision to stop shaving and has never looked back since.
Being baptised as a Sikh, a religion which forbids the cutting of body hair, Harnaam says she became more confident in her looks.
Speaking to the Daily Mirror, she said: “I would never ever go back now and remove my facial hair because it’s the way God made me and I’m happy with the way I am.
“I feel more feminine, more sexy and I think I look it too. I’ve learned to love myself for who I am nothing can shake me now.”
Harnaam began to develop the condition when she was just 11-years-old and tried a number of methods to rid herself of the facial hair – including waxing, bleaching and shaving – yet it just grew back thicker than before.
During school she says she was bullied for her looks but now she believes that by embracing the beard, she has become more feminine than ever.
She added: “I’m able to go out and shop in the women’s section without feeling I shouldn’t be there.
“I wear skirts, dresses and jewellery and I like to get my nails done like every other girl.”
Harnaam now uploads videos to YouTube in the hope of spreading her confidence amongst other young women who suffer from similar conditions as herself.
Despite threats against her life and some abusive comments, she insists that her look is still the most comfortable one she has ever had and hopes more women will embrace the beard.
“I want other women to find the strength that I have,” she said.
“I’ve…had loads of nice comments from men all over the world – one even asked me to marry him.
“If I had any message it would be to live the way you want – it’s your journey and it’s your life.”