BUZZ LIGHTYEAR: Tim goes to infinity, and beyond
BUZZ LIGHTYEAR: Tim goes to infinity, and beyond

 Rocket man Tim Peake is setting his sights on fantastic view of Earth 

UK astronaut Tim Peake has made his landmark flight to the International Space Station (ISS) this week.

The ex-helicopter pilot – with American Tim Kopra and Russian Yuri Malenchenko – shot into the sky on Tuesday 15th December on a Russian Soyuz rocket at Baikonur Cosmodrome, in Kazakhstan.

Mr Peake has become the first official UK astronaut. Previous ‘British’ astronauts have either had US citizenship, worked for Nasa or have been privately funded.

On the ISS he will conduct experiments and carry out educational activities designed to get young people interested in science.

Asian Express decided to conduct some research into how many Muslims have been to space and it turns out there have been nine previously.

Saudi Prince, Sultan Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, was the first after flying on Discovery in 1985. 

Anousheh Ansari was the first Iranian woman in space. In 2006 she was asked what she hoped to achieve from going into space.

She said: “I hope to inspire everyone—especially young people, women, and young girls all over the world, and in Middle Eastern countries that do not provide women with the same opportunities as men—to not give up their dreams and to pursue them… It may seem impossible to them at times.

“But I believe they can realize their dreams if they keep it in their hearts, nurture it, and look for opportunities and make those opportunities happen.”